Student reviews
How our students view studying at Ambis University?

"When you are little you often get asked what your dream job is. Back in my early school days, my peers usually answered that they dream of becoming an astronaut or a garbage man. I remember how shocked my teacher was when my answer to this question as a small kid was that I wish to become a big fish in the finance world.
Well, my parents were also in awe when they heard of this decisive plan for my future. And yet, not much has changed ever since. This is the main reason I chose to study at Ambis. I still wish to make this originally amusing childhood dream come true.
- Radek Holub, student of Business Economics and Management at Ambis

"I especially value the real world knowledge of our professors. They base their teaching on their personal experience gained in the business world and their own companies. This is the most inspiring part of Ambis to me. "
- Markéta Nekolová, student of Business Economics and Management at Ambis

"Our school has many qualified teachers that are running their own businesses. This way their teaching is not only practical, but also very motivating. I believe that a state university teaches you how to become a great employer while a privately-held university like Ambis teaches you how to become a great entrepreneur. "
- Ludvík, student of Business Economics and Management at Ambis
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